1.35pm Tuesday 22nd October
2.30pm Wednesday 6th November
9.30am Thursday 14th November
1.45pm Monday 2nd December
Call 01275 332409 or email:
To find out more about our school, please download our prospectus here.
Welcome to Chew Magna Primary School
School places
We currently have school places available in the following year groups:
Foundation Stage 2024 intake
Year 1
Year 2
Year 4
Year 6
Admission Numbers
As a four class village school, our admission level for each year group cohort is 15 pupils. Our capacity is 105 pupils. However, numbers vary from cohort to cohort.
Admissions Arrangements
We are here to help you, even before your child starts school at Chew Magna Primary. Whether your child might be joining Kestrel Class in September 2025 or moving mid-way through the school year, please do contact us if you have any queries or can't find the information you need on our website.
Please see our Admissions Arrangements for 2023/24 here
Please see our Admission Arrangements for 2024/25 here
You can find a copy of our admission arrangements for the 2024/25 academic year on the following link:
In Year Admissions (moving mid-way through the school year)
If your child has already started school, but you would like them to transfer to Chew Magna Primary, you should apply directly to the school. A visit is always advised so you can see the day to day life in our school and talk to our pupils. Please feel free to contact us on 01275 332409 to check if there is space in the year group for your child(ren).
In line with the policy of The Partnership Trust, we use our School Application Form, which is based closely on the BANES Application Form.
Please click here for an in year appeal form if your application is unsuccessful.
Foundation Stage Intake
If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 he or she is able to start school in September 2025.
If you would like to arrange a visit please contact us on 01275 332409 to arrange a time to suit you.
For Foundation Stage intake, we follow the BANES admissions criteria, and you can find these on pages 46-7 of the Primary Admissions Booklet, downloadable here. Applications to start school in Foundation stage must be made to the Local Authority in which you live even if you would like to be considered for a place at a school situated in a different Local Authority area. Bath & North East Somerset admissions service can provide advice about schools, information about your right of appeal if the school you prefer is full, or information about home to school transport.
You can click the link below to reach the Bath and North East Somerset Schools Admissions online page.
To talk to someone about school admissions call 01225 394312 or email:
Alternatively write to: Admissions & Transport, Bath & North East Somerset Council, Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath BA1 1JG
We also have a school prospectus which can be viewed here on the school website under the Our School>Prospectus tab.
If you are refused a Foundation Stage place at your preferred school, you have the right under the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998 (Section 94) as amended by the Education Act 2002, to appeal against the decision. It is your opportunity to present your reasons for preferring a particular school to an independent panel who will decide whether your reasons are strong enough to overturn the decision of the Local Governing Body.
For information on BANES Democratic Services appeals, see here
To talk to someone about making an appeal, the first step is to contact the Admissions and Transport team on 01225 394312 or email
Appeals against a refusal for admission to any other year group must be directed to the governors of the school for consideration.
For any more information, please call the school office on 01275 332409 or email us on
The Primary Admissions Appeals Form can be found here
The appeals timetable for 2023-24 can be found here
The appeals timetable for 2024-25 can be found here